MATAYO 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations 



We believe in one God who is made up of trinity eternal persons namely The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit.

We believe that man was created in God's own image the man was to manifest and reflect holiness through obedience to his creator. Because man has failed in this responsibility and refused to honor God as God he alienated from his creator.

But because of God's great love has initiated a plan of redemption and reconciliation for man kind, of which is found in the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the incarnation of God.

He was conceived by the Holy spirit and born of the virgin Mary, being at the same fully God and fully Man.

He lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and buried on the third day after his death, he rose again and ascended and now sits at the right hand of God the Father almighty. And he will come again to judge the living and the dead.

We believe the Jesus Christ through his death and resurrection has provided the basis of our justification, which by God's grace received faith a lone. And our great hope is the redemption of our life through resurrection to eternal life.

We believe in the baptism of immersion in many waters and of the Holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
The same spirit dwells in the heart of every believer instructing them into all truth comforting them, granting different gifts to them as he wills and sealing until the day of the redemption.

In addition to this the Holy Spirit is for the church today.










Tukkiriza mu Katonda omu akolebwa obusatu obutaggwawo, okubumenya KITAFFE, N’OMWANA N’OMWOYO OMUTUKUVU.

Tukkiriza nga omuntu yatondebwa mu kifananyi kya Katonda, Omuntu yali wa kwoleka n’okulaga obutukuvu okuyita mu buwulize eri omutonzi we.
Olw’okuba nga omuntu yalemererwa mu buvunanyizibwa buno nagaana okusaamu Katonda ekitibwa nga Katonda yayawulibwa okuva ku mutonzi we.

Naye olw’okwagala kwa Katonga okungi nakolawo entegeka ey’okununula n’okumutabaganya omuntu, esangibwa mu bulamu, ne mukufa n’okuzukira kwa Yesu Kristo owe Nazalesi eyazalibwa Katonda.

Yafunibwa na Mwoyo mutukuvu n’azalibwa Malyamu emberera, mukiseera kyekimu naga muntu mu jjuvu ate nga Katonda mu jjuvu.
Yali mu bulamu obutayononangako, yakomererwa, nafa, nazikibwa kulunaku olw’okusate nga amaze okufa nazukira, natwalibwa mu ggulu era kati atude ku mukono ogwa ddyo ogwa Katonda kitaffe omuyinza webintu byonna era aja kudda okulamula abalamu n’abafu.

Tukkiriza nti Yesu Kristo okuyita mu kufa kwe n’okuzukira kyatuwa wetusinziira omusango obutatusinga, olwekisa kya Katonda tukifuna lwa kukiriza kwoka, era essuubi lyaffe ekulu kwe kununulibwa kw’obulamu bwaffe okuyita mu kuzukira okuyingira mu bulamu obutaggwawo.

Tukkiriza mu kubatizibwa okw’okunyika mu maazi amangi n’okubatizibwa okw’omwoyo omutukuvu n’obukakafu obw’okwogera enimi empya.

Omwoyo y’omu abeera mu mutima gwabuli mukkiriza nga abalungamya mu mazima gonna nga babeera, nga abawa ebirabo eby’enjawulo nga ye bwayagala era nga abakakasa okutuusa ku lunaku olw’okununulibwa.

Okugatako omwoyo omutukuvu wa kkanisa leero.

Matayo 28:19 Kale mugende mufuule amawanga gonna abayigirizwa.








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